Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Laughing at the Little Things

Having my wonderful little blackberry has made the once unbearable waits in the car, an opportunity to find random things to amuse myself (and on this occasion, Estella too). We were waiting in the car this morning while Nick ran into our local donut shop. I found this little gem of a video and Estella and I proceeded to break out in fits of laughter. Nick was wondering what the heck was up with us when he came back to the car. The music is just too awesome! Cats on Mars indeed.



  1. Hi Raven,
    The colors on your blog are glorious! Hope you made a card to thank your blog assistant
    :-) I'm jealous, you even have flickr...Mary L

  2. Hi Raven ~
    Please send me your e-mail addy...I have the Napkin Swap details ready to send out :)
    ronijj @ g mail . com
